In order to write a review, you will need a completed purchase and an active account
In order to maintain the transparency and integrity of all reviews, we only allow reviews of products you have purchased through us and after the service has been completed.
Of course, you can write a review about a product and we encourage you to do so
In order to write a review, you will need to have an active account and completed a tixs purchased. You can create a free acount here
In order to maintain the transparency and integrity of all reviews, we only allow reviews of products you have purchased through us and after the service has been completed. Reviews are completely voluntary
Yes, reviews are subject for approval and must comply with our privacy policy. Reviews are never edited nor modified by any of our team members
Don’t worry, you can create a free account anytime. Make sure you use the same email you used when making the purchase and you’ll be able to access your profile and write your review
We currently don’t have any programs or incentives for reviews, but we are working on a few reward programs for all our members.
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